Dead Twitter

Elon has ruined Twitter

I originally drafted this post to be posted around late January. I had to undergo a surgery in January and ended up finishing it late.

There I’ve finally said it.

I’ve been rooting for Twitter (I refuse to call it by its new name until they stop redirecting to when I type in in the browser) to get better under Elon and now I’ve completely given up. I backed Elon and thought he’d improve it. I was so wrong. The man destroyed one of my favorite social networks.

I mean, look at this nonsense –

I have multiple reasons to have lost hope.


I receive these spam notifications all the time –

I never received these spammy mentions or DMs before Elon took over. I specifically point that out, because he mentioned that Twitter, before he bought it, had millions of spam bots and he deleted about 80-90% of them. This should’ve fixed the issue. Instead, it made it worse. I refuse to believe that he did anything about it.

Quantity over quality

Elon tried to compete with Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to draw content creators to the platform. For this, he created premium subscriptions. In this process, he’s made the platform so bad that the emphasis is now on quantity than quality.

Open any random tweet that has over 100 likes and check the replies. It’s filled with random users posting unrelated content to drive up their tweet’s engagement. I find it so annoying seeing people use these lame tactics for their benefit. All the top replies are from other premium users trying to hijack the popularity of that tweet.

Removing limitations

One of the things that I enjoyed about Twitter was its character limit. It forced people to think and articulate better.

Dirty tricks to promote content

Elon has been begging content creators to post their videos directly on Twitter. Now that Mr. Beast finally caved and posted his recent video on it, Elon immediately Quote Tweeted it. He did that to boost the views. Even a dimwit would know that. He didn’t stop there though. Check this out:

To this, Elon responded by saying –

He’s the CEO of the company and says “to the best of my knowledge”. He’s usually very confident in saying things. It’s uncharacteristic of him to say “to the best of my knowledge”. But now, he chose his words very carefully.

Even Mr. Beast was surprised by the number of views he got on the platform. By now, every one knows these tricks.

It just seems like Twitter is now in the find out phase –


2 responses to “Elon has ruined Twitter”

  1. I wasn’t a huge fan of Twitter before Elon but I did understand its significance as part of the web. It was a place where breaking news actually broke or where people of all interests posted the latest updates. It was reliable. Now it feels more like a rundown carnival with only the carnies left there.

    1. I feel like it’s only going to get worse in terms of quality. The replies to the tweets are just from random engagement farmers now. The premium accounts are the worst. It’s crazy that he’s managed to make it this bad.


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