The Cloud & I

It was 1:30 AM yesterday night and I couldn’t sleep. I was trying really hard to sleep but I couldn’t. I gave up after a while and started to think about random stuff and thus, I ended up thinking about the Cloud.

The Cloud

Cloud storage has been one of the best technological innovations in the past few years. Several companies ranging from existing technology leaders to startups, seem to be interested in this field. Companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Dropbox etc really excel in this field. Each of these companies offer amazing services. These companies seem to be concentrating on making its users rely more on the cloud.

I personally use all of these services to manage my digital life based on the category.


I use Spotify a lot to listen to music both on my computer and my iPhone. It has the offline playlists feature which makes my train commute a lot better. But sadly, I often end up not finding the music I want to listen to on Spotify. As a result I tend to fallback to my Google Music account which has almost all the songs I’ve always had on my hard disk drive. The only downside to it is its streaming on mobile. It sucks big time. I do sometimes end up using Grooveshark or if I don’t find the music I want on Spotify or my Google Music account.


After two of my external HDDs bailed on me, making me lose all my photos, I realized that photos are precious. So I use Flickr, Dropbox, SkyDrive and iCloud to store/backup my photos. Most of them are redundant but it’s worth storing copies of them on different servers.


I use Evernote to store my notes. Whenever I get any idea, I make a note in Evernote to make sure that I don’t forget it. I sometimes even use it to save my car parking location along with a picture.


All of my source code is stored on GitHub. I use it every single day. I use it at work and I use it for my personal projects too. Before GitHub, I used to use Google Code and Microsoft Codeplex.


I use Pocket to mark articles for reading later and to store some interesting bookmarks.


This is a more generic category. I use Dropbox and Box to store all my ebooks, docs and other random files.

That pretty much sums up how much I rely on the cloud.

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